ot only do managers often end up causing stress to their team members, they often feel a great deal of stress themselves. They need to work under pressure from the people above them, and also absorb the stress that comes from managing a team. Since good management keeps businesses afloat and people employed, many take their responsibilities very seriously, as well.
4 Ways That Managers Can Control Their Stress

If you're a manager who is constantly under stress, here’s a few ideas to help deal with it.
Simple & Highly Effective
Turn to exercise to relieve stress
Whether you use the on-site fitness center at your company or simply do a few quick stretches in your office when you're alone, it's important to know that exercise is vital to your mental health. When you get vigorous exercise either in the middle of the day or at the end, you blow off considerable steam, and end up more ready to tackle work.
Know what your specific stressors are
It's important to put in a little work into studying your stress to find out what causes it. Everyone reacts differently to different kinds of stress. When you find out what causes yours -- difficult people to deal with, inability to perform well at work and so on -- it can be a lot easier to deal with it. You can analyze your way out of a problem that you can see clearly.
Watch our for burnout
Studies show that nearly one in two American workers let at least some of their vacation time go to waste each year, neglecting to use it all up. Working too hard and for too long, however, can result in burnout. The phenomenon is real, and avoidable. If you can't take a full-blown vacation, you should at least take your weekends off to stop thinking about work and to do things that you enjoy.
Gain perspective on our problems
If you tend to dwell on problems it's possible that your mind magnifies them, and makes them feel much bigger than they really are. It's important to gain perspective on how big your problems really are, and make sure that your mind doesn't obsess over them. Therapy might be helpful.
Stress can cause the mind to stop working productively, and can, instead, cause it to slow down or become compulsive. When you detect that your mind is stressed out, it's important to slow down, and destress in whatever way you can, if only to be able to work more effectively afterward.